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NEOLIFE Antioxidant and Phytonutrient Nutritionals

NEOLIFE Antioxidant and Phytonutrient Nutritionals

NEOLIFE Antioxidant and Phytonutrient Nutritionals: The increasing presence of toxic chemicals in our environment increases the risk of life-threatening illness. NeoLife’s phyto-nutrient supplements offers nutritional protection. Its synergistic antioxidant and detoxifying nutrients help neutralize & metabolize toxic materials*!

Why Nutritional Supplements To Protect Us Against Environmental Toxins?
■ Pollution threatens our good health. Scientists estimate that 80% of cancers result from environmental causes. Pollutants may contribute to other diseases as well — heart disease, kidney disorders, emphysema, anaemia, liver disease, etc.
■ The assault comes from all sides. The air we breathe, both indoors and out, as well as the water we drink and the food we eat are all potential sources of toxic exposure.
■ Scientific research shows that certain nutrients may boost the body’s defenses against environmental toxins, by interfering with toxic reactions and preventing cellular damage, which may lead to disease.

Our Solution: Nature’s Antioxidant Effect!
■ Developed by world-renowned toxicologist, Dr. Arthur Furst. Formulated specifically to assist in defending your body against harmful agents in the air, water, and our food.
■ Synergistic blend of antioxidants and detoxifying nutrients to help your body interrupt toxic processes and protect against cellular damage from environmental pollutants.
■ Provides antioxidant protection. Contains beta-carotene that occur naturally in carrots, plus vitamin C and the complete vitamin E family of tocopherols & tocotrienols.
■ Helps detoxify foreign substances which are ingested or inhaled. B-vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine, and magnesium, help detoxify foreign substances.
■ Helps protect against heavy metal contamination and helps boost immune function. Zinc, selenium, and GTF chromium aid the body’s vital defenses.
■ Provides as much beta-carotene as two large carrots.
■ Amino acid chelation improves absorption of beneficial minerals.


We Live In A Sea Of Chemicals

Motor vehicle exhaust. Industrial pollution. Smog. Fumes from paint, cleaners, and hairspray. Smoke from barbecues, cigarettes, and fireplaces. Water tainted with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, heavy metals, and chlorine compounds. Food containing residual chemicals and artificial additives.

Today, pollution is everywhere, and it has become a primary threat to our good health. The American Cancer Society estimates that 80% of all cancers are either directly or indirectly related to chemicals and other toxic agents polluting our environment. Although some pollutants are no longer actively used, they will probably never be gone from the environment. We are exposed to more and more chemicals each year.

Pollutants increase our risk for cancer and other illnesses, including heart disease, kidney disorders, emphysema, anaemia, and liver disease.

Indoors Or Out, The Air We Breathe Is Cause For Alarm 

No one can choose NOT to breathe air, a crucial element that’s difficult to control. Outdoors, our air is filled with the exhaust of millions of cars and other vehicles, factories, and power plants. Air quality evaluations are now routine in most major metropolitan areas, complete with “smog alerts” when pollution is severe enough to warrant staying indoors if you are elderly, very young, or suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties.

Unfortunately, indoor air isn’t any better … and may even be worse. Inside modern buildings, air pollution can accumulate, combining outside pollutants with additional chemicals from indoor sources. Chemicals may “gas off” from building materials such as plywood, wallboard, carpeting, and even furniture. Additional chemicals can enter the air from paint and varnish, strong cleaners, floor and furniture polish and wax, and personal care products such as hair spray and nail polish remover. Other sources of unwanted chemicals include barbecues, fireplaces, heating systems, and tobacco smoke. The risks are so significant that many researchers see indoor air pollution as a significant health hazard.

Impure Food And Water Pose Challenges

Our food and drinking water may contain residual pesticides and other agricultural chemicals or other cancer-causing contaminants. Most modern processed foods contain preservatives and other modern additives.

Like water overflowing from a rain barrel, these chemicals can combine to overwhelm the body’s natural defense mechanisms and set the stage for serious health problems.

What’s Your Solution To Pollution? 

An expert in the field of understanding how toxins affect our bodies, Dr. Arthur Furst developed phyto-nutrients to answer his personal and professional concerns regarding the escalation of toxic assaults to our environment. The result of Dr. Furst’s expertise and ongoing scientific research, a blend of antioxidant and detoxifying nutrients that work together to help the body neutralize and metabolize toxic materials.

Antioxidants and Phyto-nutrients – Defend Against Free Radical Damage*!

Many pollutants do their damage by increasing oxidative attacks on the body’s cells, causing damage that can set the stage for disease to develop. Each supplement serving of antioxidants and phyto-nutrients provides the beta-carotene and other carotenoids. These antioxidant nutrients have been shown to play active roles in protecting delicate body tissues. Seen in our Phyto-Defense, Vitamin C Sustained Release, Chelated Zinc, Vita Guard(children chewable tablets), Beta Guard® and Vitamin E from natural plant sources to provide antioxidant protection for both the watery and lipid portions of cells, respectively.

Detoxifying Nutrients Help Protect Against Pollutants and Toxins

NeoLife’s anti-oxidants and phyto-nutrients products provides the B-vitamins riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine to help detoxify foreign substances inhaled or ingested. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is an essential cofactor for several enzymes, including some involved in the detoxification of certain cancer-causing agents. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is similarly an enzyme cofactor; B6 deficiency has been linked to increased production of an agent which causes liver cancer.

Magnesium is an important formula since it is instrumental in both detoxification and tissue repair. Zinc works to protect the body against the effects of toxic heavy metals including mercury and cadmium. Cadmium is one of the most poisonous elements in our environment. It can inhibit the function of many of the body’s enzymes.

In addition to zinc, Beta Guard® also supplies selenium, an important trace element required by the body to defend against heavy-metal poisons such as cadmium, mercury, and lead. Recent research has shown a significant relationship between selenium intake and a reduced occurrence of certain cancers. GTF chromium help boosts body defenses. Other active ingredients are also present to help the liver detoxify food additives such as artificial coloring agents and other harmful chemicals.

GNLD/NeoLife’s exclusive formula that was developed to support the body’s natural ability to counteract the harmful effects of toxic pollution. This type of protection is important to all of us, but becomes crucial in highly polluted industrial and metropolitan areas. Proprietary formulation of carefully selected nutrients that strengthen the body’s natural ability to detoxify and neutralize harmful environmental challenges; and promote antioxidant activity. Cysteine and methionine chelate, help promote mineral absorption.

Regaining your active way of life using our NEOLIFE Nutritional Supplements
Powered by GNLD International.

The NEOLIFE Difference! – WITH A SUPERIOR QUALITY NUTRITION WITH PURITY, POTENCY AND PROOF SINCE 1958 Right Supportive Formulas by Food and Nutrition Board, Institutes of Medicine Dietary Reference!


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