Goiter Management


• Strengthens your nervous system and helps detoxify your body system.
• Balances your hormonal function and promote pituitary gland functioning*!
• Anti-inflammatory effect reduces redness, swelling and pains in the tissues.
• Chelated, with easy enhanced absorption formula of nutrients in the body.
• An antioxidant which mops up free radicals, prevents Vitamin A and E from oxidation.
• Help with immunity function in harnessing resistance to aches, pains and colds.

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Goiter Management

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Goiter Management

Goiter Management

Abnormal enlargement of the butterfly-shaped gland below the Adam’s apple (thyroid). A goiter, is a swelling in the neck resulting from an enlarged thyroid gland. A goiter can be associated with a thyroid that is not functioning properly. Worldwide, over 90% of goiter cases are caused by iodine deficiency or the inflammation of the thyroid gland. The term is from the Latin word gutturia, meaning throat*!

The degree of swelling and the severity of symptoms produced by the goiter depends on the individual immune ability to adapt with the changes occurring then. Most goiters produce no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, the following are most common;
• Throat symptoms of tightness, cough, and hoarseness.
• Trouble swallowing and in severe cases, difficulty breathing, possibly with a high-pitch sound. Other symptoms may be present because of the underlying cause of the goiter.

An overactive thyroid enlargement can cause different symptoms such as:
Nervousness, Palpitations, Hyperactivity, Increased Sweating, Heat Hypersensitivity, Fatigue, Increased Appetite, Hair Loss, Weight Loss. In cases where goiter is a result of hypothyroidism, the under-active thyroid can cause symptoms such as: Cold intolerance, Constipation, Forgetfulness, Personality changes, Hair loss, Weight gain. Aside, many people with goiter present NO symptoms or signs.

Some Notable Causes:
Goiter can be caused by a number of different conditions. Iodine deficiency is the major cause of goiter worldwide, but this is rarely a cause in more economically developed countries where iodine is routinely added to salt. As iodine is less commonly found in plants, vegan diets may lack sufficient iodine. This is less of a problem for vegans who live in countries such as the US that add iodine to salt.

In some parts of the world, the prevalence of goiters can be as high as 80 percent, such as in the remote mountainous regions of Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Central Africa. In these places, daily intake of iodine can fall below 25 micrograms (mcg) per day, and children are often born with hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland needs iodine to manufacture thyroid hormones, which regulate the metabolism.

Other causes, less common causes of goiter include the following:
Smoking: Thiocyanate in tobacco smoke interferes with iodine absorption.
Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy, puberty, and menopause can affect thyroid function.
Thyroiditis: Inflammation caused by infection, for example, can lead to goiter.
Lithium: This psychiatric drug can interfere with thyroid function.
Over-consumption of Iodine: Too much iodine can cause a goiter.
Radiation Therapy: Can trigger a swollen thyroid, when administered to the neck.

Get enlisted amongst many of our testifiers today! You’ll need to thoroughly engage yourself in a daily purification of your entire hormonal body system using our PROVEN CLINICAL SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR OPTIMAL WELLNESS GOALS AND HEALTH! Our clinical advice is that you immediately commence with the following GMO-free herbal nutritionals, to effectively assist with your body’s metabolic function! NEOLIFE’s needful and Essential Nutritional Wholefood Supplements; and her USAGE:
1. Multi-Mineral + AlfaAlfa in 60 Tablets; chew 2 tablets every night.
2. Garlic Allium Complex in 60 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.
3. Vitamin C. Sustained Release in 100 Tablets; chew 2 tablets daily.
4. Chelated Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 in 90 Tablets; chew 3 tablets daily.
5. Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus in 90 Softgels; use 3 softgels daily.

Clinical Health Benefits:
• Increase absorption of Vitamins A, B, C, E and Calcium and promotes bone formation.
• Good for goiter care and the production of needed iodine in the body.
• Excellent for the metabolism of blood sugar levels.
• Acts as a Diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, ulcer bleeding too.
• Strengthens your nervous system and helps detoxify your body system.
• Balances your hormonal function and promote pituitary gland functioning*!
• Full-body support from key minerals to help you ageless and enjoy more.
• Chelated, with easy enhanced absorption formula of nutrients in the body.
• Natural antibiotic that fights infection and toxic to cancers and tumours.
• Anti-inflammatory effect reduces redness, swelling and pains in the tissues.
• Detoxifies carcinogens and combats infection diseases like yeast, fungal and bacteria.
• A potent natural antibiotic, antiviral and anti-fungal, clears off Infections including STD’s.
• Natural antimicrobial properties 4,200 mcg of Allicin from pure garlic powder.
• Restores insulin function needed for sugar metabolism, capable of destroying bacteria microorganism effects.
• An antioxidant which mops up free radicals, prevents Vitamin A and E from oxidation.
• Combats itching effects on the skins due to irritation or harmful substances.
• Helps to fight poor blood sugar breakdown, as this breads additional infections*!
• Vitamin C is robbed from our bodies daily by stress, sugar, alcohol, smoking and also by some drugs like antibiotics, aspirin, contraceptives, pain killers and steroids!
• Help with immunity function in harnessing resistance to aches, pains and colds.
• Shown to also postpone or prevent the onsets of Osteoporosis effects.
• Relieves muscle pains, calms the nerve and good for stress and sleeplessness.
• For your strong bones and teeth and many enzymes reactions.
• Formulated with the 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium to meet our body’s needs*!
• Provides 1,070mg of omega-3 fatty acids with all standardized eight omega-3s.
• Optimizing benefits and promoting the natural healing process.
• Plays critical roles in the health and function of the heart & cardiovascular systems.
• Promotes normal inflammatory balance during daily physical activity*!
• Contains important omega-3 fatty acids in fish, from the ALA to EPA, DPA and DHA.
• 3 softgels provides 1070mg of omega-3 fatty acids, with 460mg EPA and 480mg DHA. Derived from pure natural Salmon Oil, nature’s richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
• Overall growth and development, nutrient utilization efficiency and development.

Based in Nature, Backed by science!
Powered by GNLD International

The Right Supportive Formulas by Food and Nutrition Board, Institutes of Medicine Dietary Reference! The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) seal guarantees you the finest, safest, most effective products in the world. Ensuring your body gets the BESTS of maintenance with NEOLIFE’s rich Vitamins & Minerals!
Clinically Tested and Proven Nutritional Whole-food Supplements from nature.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Weight 0.96 kg


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