Super Gro Wonder Formula by 1Litre Gallon


Super Gro™ is all farmers’ multi-purpose agricultural surfactant, that is specifically formulated to work with modern crop treatments and application equipments.

Super Gro™ Unlocks the Power of Water – MAXIMISE YOUR PROFITS!
Improves soil penetration of water!
Improves pesticide performance!
Improves fungicide performance!
Improves crop yield!

• It makes water “wetter”.
• Specifically formulated to be effective, economical and versatile.
• Easy to use.
• Long shelf life.
• Tolerates extreme temperature variations.
• Safe to use indoors and outdoors.
• Non-toxic, non-caustic and non-flammable.
• It improves the absorption of nutrients.

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Super Gro Wonder Formula by 1Litre Gallon

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Super Gro Wonder Formula by 1Litre Gallon

GNLD Super Gro™ in 1Litre
The Wonderful Natural Liquid Fertilizer

Super Gro™, as the name suggests is the most wonderful natural liquid organic fertilizer ever produced for agro industry. It is meant for the purpose of growing crops and plants in order to add much value to them. This is to ensure that agricultural productivity is enhanced both in quality and in quantity. Super Gro™ Liquid Fertilizer being natural in essence means that it is devoid of chemical input which makes it different from the conventional chemical fertilizer that we all know. The advantages of Super Gro™ Natural Liquid Fertilizer over the Chemical Fertilizer are numerous and very great. Because crops and plants depend so much on water, Super Gro™ is meant to improve the quality and quantity of water as required by these crops and plants for wonderful growth and production by adding the essential nutrients they require for that purpose. Super Gro™ helps you make the most use of water: one of the basic fundamentals of life itself. Water, good quality water, is an issue of such importance that governments, states, provinces and major suburban areas around the world have created agencies to ensure its long-term availability.

As our global population grows, water will become an even greater concern to everyone because of its importance in our daily life most especially for the production of food. Bearing this in mind, it therefore, becomes much essential that we all should also be much concerned about improving the quantity and quality of water to ensure its most efficient use. Drought or otherwise, we should always try to get the most efficient use from water. This is one of the reasons why agricultural industry must not underestimate the constant use of this wonderful product – Super Gro™.

Functions of Super Gro™
GNLD’s Super Gro™ acts as both an adjuvant and a surfactant, by reducing the surface tension of water in addition to acting as a wetting agent. Adjutants are agents designed to aid in substances’ action. GNLD Super Gro™ helps make water “wetter” by reducing its surface tension. It may seem contradictory, but water does not always “wet” very well except when Super Gro™ is added. Often it tends to bead up on the waxy surfaces of plants, crops, lawns and gardens, and before it has a chance to penetrate, it runs off or evaporates. GNLD’s Super Gro™ helps conserve water. It tends to increase the rate at which water penetrates common soils.

Surfactants are wetting agents that are used in several ways:
(1) As emulsifiers to disperse oils.
(2) As wetting agents, to lower surface tension.
(3) As dispersing agents, to reduce adhesion between particles of chemicals, so they will spread and remain in solution longer.

Advantages of Using Super Gro™
1. Because Super Gro™ makes water wetter, it increases soil penetration and retention.
2. Because Super Gro™ makes water to be wetter, it helps to retain the water under the soil much longer which ensures that the soil continues to be wet even in dry warm weather, which also makes the crops/plants maintain their evergreen outlook and growth during dry season.
3. Biodegradable – leaves no harmful residue on the products of the crops and plants.
4. Being natural does not have chemicals that could leave any harmful residue on the soil, unlike other types of fertilizers.
5. It does not adversely alter soil pH.
6. Reduces watering time, by reducing run-off and evaporation.
7. It increases plant and crop yields – increased maximum production is assured.
8. It is highly concentrated and, therefore, very economical – a little quantity goes a very long way.
9. It is user-friendly, environment-friendly and nature-friendly.
10. Acts as a sticker on plants; has internal ability to absorb solar energy and to the plant for efficient and maximum production.
11. The crops and plants will have greener and healthier outlook at all times and at any weather.
12. It enables farmers save a lot of time – a minimum portion of land produces maximum output (maximum yield).
13. It enables farmers save a lot of money – a minimum input produces maximum output (maximum yield).
14. It ensures uniformity of crops/plants and their seeds/products.

The Use of Super Gro™ for Fruits & Crops
It is quite suitable for the cultivation of crops like:
Vegetables, Pepper, Onions, Tomatoes, Beans, Maize, Soya-beans, Groundnut, Potatoes, Cassava, Yam, Cabbage, Carrot, Cocoyam, Okra, Banana, Plantain, Wheat, Rice, Millet, Water-Melon and a host of other crops.

Application/Mixture: Mix as follows:
1ml of Super Gro with 1 liter of clear water.
5ml of Super Gro with 5 liters of clear water.
100ml of Super Gro with 100 liters of clear water, and so on.
Then agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem/base of the crops/plants. Apply the same thing every 2 weeks, or every 3 week or once every month as you may desire. It is very important that you do this before the crops/plants start to sprout flowers.

The Use of Super Gro™ for Plants, Trees and Cash Crops
It is also very suitable for the cultivation of the following Cash Crops:
Cocoa, Cashew, Mango, Orange, Oil Palm, Pawpaw, Kola-nut, Pineapple, Rubber and a host of other plants and cash crops.

Application/Mixture: Mix as follows:
2ml of Super Gro with 1 liter of clear water.
10ml of Super Gro with 5 liters of clear water
200ml of Super Gro with 100 liters of clear water, and so on.
Then agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem/base of the crops/plants. Apply the same thing every 2 weeks, or every 3 week or once every month as you may desire. It is very important that you do this before the crops/plants start to sprout flowers.

Important Facts and Notes
Plant your crops in ridges or lines so that you have narrow site to walk through for easy spraying.
If you use chemicals (herbicides) to weed, allow the effect of the chemical to wear out before applying Super Gro. Spray Super Gro™ after four days of weeding with herbicide. Do not use the same sprayer for weeding chemicals (herbicides) and Super Gro. You must get a separate sprayer for the Super Gro. This is to ensure that the residue of the weeding chemical left in the sprayer-can does not neutralize the substance and effectiveness of the Super Gro™.

If you use cutlass to weed, you should pack the weeds before you spray Super Gro the next day to ensure the Super Gro properly enters the soil and to avoid waste of the product. For cash crops like cocoa, rubber, kola-nut, orange, etc, you need to use boom sprayer because you need more pressure to get the Super Gro into the crops and plants.
If you don’t have boom sprayer, you can use watering can, but make sure the mouth of the can is not too wide so that it will not waste your product. But try as much as possible to get a boom sprayer. It is more economical and faster to spray.

For Insecticides Purposes, use with Super 10
Super 10 can be added to the mixture in the same quantity as Super Gro if you want to drive away insects and pests from your crops/plants. Likewise, LDC can also be used also in place of Super 10 to expel insects and pests from your crops/plants.
This product from nature does not affect your skin because it is non-caustic and non-toxic.
The growth and yield from Super Gro™ is SUPER and FANTASTIC.

The Use of Super Gro™ for Fish Farming – Concrete or Mud Ponds are most preferable.
Fill the ponds with clear water measured in liters and add 1ml of Super Gro per 10 liters of water and agitate gently. Then leave this treated water for 7 to 10 days to fertilize the pond and then flush out the treated water after this period. Put clear fresh water and leave for 5 to 7 days before stocking your fish inside the pond.

Advantages to Agricultural Animals and Fishes
1. It promoted the growth of phytoplankton in the pond.
2. It prevents fish mortality and cannibalism.
3. It increases the ability of oxygen dissolving in the fish pond thereby less changing of water on daily basis.
4. It reduces ammonia level and maintains water pH.
5. It promotes uniform growth of fish.
6. It is very effective in many types of fish pond, e.g. plastic, earth and concrete pond.
7. Super Gro™ is hygienic when compared with organic manure thus preventing offensive odour and scurrying.
8. It is absolutely cost effective.

For other livestock rearing, add same amount to the water they drink once a week.
The Need For The Use of Super Gro™ At Home
Many people underestimate the importance of quantitative and qualitative water, and take it for granted. Apart from washing clothes, dishes and taking showers and baths, almost everyone has at least a few plants or shrubs around their homes. Consider the difference between a room full of luxurious plants, and one without greenery at all. Healthy, green and growing plants give up a feeling of pride, warmth and, surprisingly, a feeling of security. They also provide one of our most important elements – oxygen, one of the by-products of photosynthesis.

Super Gro™ from GNLD helps you make the most use of water – water, one of the basic fundamentals of life itself – for without water’s life giving force, no living organism can survive, let alone grow. Make SUPER GRO™ and SUPER 10 your Agro Companion today and you will always be happy you did.

Additional information

Weight 1.17 kg


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